以下是您在开发Hugo项目时将使用的最常用命令的说明。更多有关Hugo CLI的,请 参阅命令行参考


安装Hugo 后,请确保它位于PATH中。您可以通过help命令测试Hugo是否已正确安装:

hugo help


hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.

Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.

Complete documentation is available at http://gohugo.io/.

  hugo [flags]
  hugo [command]

Available Commands:
  check       Contains some verification checks
  config      Print the site configuration
  convert     Convert your content to different formats
  env         Print Hugo version and environment info
  gen         A collection of several useful generators.
  help        Help about any command
  import      Import your site from others.
  list        Listing out various types of content
  new         Create new content for your site
  server      A high performance webserver
  version     Print the version number of Hugo

  -b, --baseURL string         hostname (and path) to the root, e.g. http://spf13.com/
  -D, --buildDrafts            include content marked as draft
  -E, --buildExpired           include expired content
  -F, --buildFuture            include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir string        filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
      --cleanDestinationDir    remove files from destination not found in static directories
      --config string          config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
      --configDir string       config dir (default "config")
  -c, --contentDir string      filesystem path to content directory
      --debug                  debug output
  -d, --destination string     filesystem path to write files to
      --disableKinds strings   disable different kind of pages (home, RSS etc.)
      --enableGitInfo          add Git revision, date and author info to the pages
  -e, --environment string     build environment
      --forceSyncStatic        copy all files when static is changed.
      --gc                     enable to run some cleanup tasks (remove unused cache files) after the build
  -h, --help                   help for hugo
      --i18n-warnings          print missing translations
      --ignoreCache            ignores the cache directory
  -l, --layoutDir string       filesystem path to layout directory
      --log                    enable Logging
      --logFile string         log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
      --minify                 minify any supported output format (HTML, XML etc.)
      --noChmod                don't sync permission mode of files
      --noTimes                don't sync modification time of files
      --path-warnings          print warnings on duplicate target paths etc.
      --quiet                  build in quiet mode
      --renderToMemory         render to memory (only useful for benchmark testing)
  -s, --source string          filesystem path to read files relative from
      --templateMetrics        display metrics about template executions
      --templateMetricsHints   calculate some improvement hints when combined with --templateMetrics
  -t, --theme strings          themes to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --themesDir string       filesystem path to themes directory
      --trace file             write trace to file (not useful in general)
  -v, --verbose                verbose output
      --verboseLog             verbose logging
  -w, --watch                  watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed

Use "hugo [command] --help" for more information about a command.


最常见的用法就是直接运行 hugo,当前目录是输入目录。默认情况下,这会将您的网站生成到 public/ 目录,当然可以通过更改 publishDir 字段的输出目录(站点配置)。

命令hugo将网站渲染到 public/ 目录,并准备好部署到您的Web服务器:

0 draft content
0 future content
99 pages created
0 paginator pages created
16 tags created
0 groups created
in 90 ms


Hugo允许你在每篇内容的 front matter 设置 draft (是否是草稿)、 publishdate (发布时间)、 expirydate (过期时间)。默认情况下Hugo不会发布:

  • publishdate 值在未来的内容
  • draft: true 的内容
  • expirydate值在过去的内容

通过在 hugohugo server 中分别添加以下标志,或者在 配置 中更改分配给同名字段(不带 – )的布尔值,可以在本地开发和部署期间覆盖所有这三个:

  • --buildFuture
  • --buildDrafts
  • --buildExpired


Hugo内置了LiveReload。且不需要额外安装软件包。在开发网站时使用Hugo的一种常用方法是让Hugo使用 hugo server 命令运行服务器并监视更改:

hugo server
0 draft content
0 future content
99 pages created
0 paginator pages created
16 tags created
0 groups created
in 120 ms
Watching for changes in /Users/yourname/sites/yourhugosite/{data,content,layouts,static}
Serving pages from /Users/yourname/sites/yourhugosite/public
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/
Press Ctrl+C to stop


  • /static/*
  • /content/*
  • /data/*
  • /i18n/*
  • /layouts/*
  • /themes/<CURRENT-THEME>/*
  • config



Hugo在模板中 </body> 之前注入了LiveReload <script>,因此如果此标记不存在,则LiveReload将不起作用。


LiveReload通过将JavaScript注入Hugo生成的页面来工作。该脚本创建从浏览器的Web套接字客户端到Hugo Web套接字服务器的连接。


hugo server --watch=false


hugo server --disableLiveReload

通过将以下键值分别添加到 config.tomlconfig.yml 文件中:

disableLiveReload = true
disableLiveReload: true


在运行 hugo server 进行本地Web开发之后,最终的需要使用 hugo 命令(不要 server 部分)来重建您的站点。然后,您可以通过将 public/ 目录复制到生产Web服务器来部署站点。

由于Hugo生成静态网站,您的网站可以使用任何Web服务器托管在任何地方。有关由Hugo社区提供的托管和自动化部署的方法,请参阅 主机和部署

运行hugo删除上次构建的文件。这意味着您应该在运行hugo命令之前删除您的 /public(或通过标志或配置文件指定的发布目录)。如果您不删除这些文件,则存在不应该出现的文件(例如,drafts或future的帖子),却留在生成的网站中的风险。



要启动构建草稿内容的服务器(有助于编辑),您可以指定不同的目标;例如,dev/ 目录:

hugo server -wDs ~/Code/hugo/docs -d dev

当内容准备好发布时,使用默认的 public/ 目录:

hugo -s ~/Code/hugo/docs
